Skye Brooks and Bert Campbell are a unique music duo consisting of a 16 year-old junior high student (Brooks) and a former music and English teacher and songwriter (Campbell). Together they have collaborated on the catchy country song “The Freedom Flag”, a response to the controversy surrounding a number of African American NFL players refusing to stand during the National Anthem. Honoring those who have fought and served the United States armed services, the new song is a true testament to patriotism. They are joined on the track by The Javelina Highway, a group that features Dale Caddell on lead guitar, Joey Cruz on drums, John Sarson on bass and Cathie King on violin.
A nuanced piece of country/Americana, “The Freedom Flag” was written to honor men and women, both living and passed on, who have served in the United States Armed Forces. While the song itself is not politically charged, it represents an ideal that while everybody has the right to protest injustices, refusing to honor our country through standing during the National Anthem is not the proper way in which to do so. Patriotic and upbeat, “The Freedom Flag” comes from a place of support and understanding of the sacrifices that the men and women of the United States armed forces make every day, and serves as a reminder that no matter what events divide us, there are also many that unite us as a country.
Having performed in a number of musical outfits over the past 40 years, Campbell and Caddell represent the foundation of the music. The music offers a twangy and bouncy country rock sound that draws from a wide variety of genres. Although just a teenager, Brooks sings with the confidence and bravado of a musician with years of experience, and her fresh voice is the perfect complement to the classic country songs. Perhaps what makes the band most unique is that despite the generation gap, the ideals of both collaborators are aligned in such a fashion that nobody could possibly notice that gap. Their sound also harkens back to a more classic country feel in a country music industry that has progressively drifted towards more pop rock conventions.
Recorded in a 16 track studio using Pro Tools software, “The Freedom Flag” is currently available on YouTube ( It is part of 12 tracks that Campbell and Brooks have selected to include on their upcoming album titled “These Magic Shoes”, which will be released in January of 2018.
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Company Name: Artist Newswire
Contact Person: Terrance Schemansky
Phone: (586) 480-3000
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City: Fenton
State: MI
Country: United States