An organization that began as a fellowship devoted to help those who were addicted to alcohol abuse, AA started with just two members in 1935. Since then, this program has grown into an international organization with more than 73,000 groups worldwide. In 1990 this program had an estimated membership of approximately 800,000 in the US and Canada, alone. Since its beginnings, the 12-Step approach to sobriety has grown to include other addictions, including drug abuse and sexual addiction issues.
With a prominent role played by the design and implementation of the 12-step-based program, it serves as a valuable addition to any treatment modality. By fostering relationships with local treatment facilities, its philosophy, methods and materials can be formally integrated in their treatment activities. In addition to lending support during the treatment phase of a recovering addict, the community-based 12-Step programs also serve as an ongoing support to his or her sobriety, after exiting their inpatient treatment facility. This 12-step approach to sobriety has been found effective in treating men and women, as well as teens and young adults of all ages.
Based on 12 Steps which were outlined by the founders of AA, recovering addicts have access to a plan for successful sobriety in what recovering addicts refer to as the Big Book. With a recovering addict’s careful application of this 12-step philosophy, including sharing their experiences with other members who have suffered similar problems, treatment centers are recognizing the positive impact this treatment support can have on their inpatients. Their clients involved in the 12-step process often find another 12-step member who will serve as a sponsor and provide the guidance and help necessary during those times of crisis that might otherwise lead back to an abuse of drugs or alcohol.
It is important for the family seeking help for their loved one to look for a program that offers safe and well-monitored detoxification, followed by a thorough evaluation of the supporting personality disorders which may have led the patient to drug or alcohol abuse. A reliable treatment program will also incorporate individual and group counseling opportunities, as well as the latest treatment modalities, all monitored by trained and certified staff members. Inclusion of the support provided by an on-going relationship with a 12-step program, truly offers a greater chance for life-long sobriety to the patient.
Distributed by Client Initiatives
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